| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

What is Antiforgery Token and How to use it in ASP.NET MVC?

Example Code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wc0fpPUD-pDI4fRB6dLIX4BxsDoIH5VC/view?usp=sharing To help prevent CSRF attacks, ASP.NET MVC uses anti-forgery tokens, also called request verification tokens. It verifies the tokens before accepting the request into ASP.NET MVC controller action which prevents the Cross Site Request Forgery. What is CRF? Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack where a malicious site sends a request […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

Curd Operations using Entity Framework Code First and ASP.NET MVC

Example Code: –https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G5oroBmfsy30_avDAlZrsy27KGPCBGRl/view?usp=sharing You can do the curd operations as we do it using DbFirst their is no change in it. Step 1: Index Action Code Index View Code with Index.cshtml Step 2 : to create the Emp we need to create the create action with HttpGet and HttpPost as follows – Step 3: You […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

Entity Framework Code First Approach using ASP.NET MVC 5

Example Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G5oroBmfsy30_avDAlZrsy27KGPCBGRl/view?usp=sharing What is Code-First? In the Code-First approach, you focus on the domain of your application and start creating classes for your domain entity rather than design your database first and then create the classes which match your database design. The following figure illustrates the code-first approach. The Code First Approach provides an […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

ASP.NET MVC Scaffold Templates

Example Code : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XQTimW39SuNI7kxrhvPmUQ_6MQlp34YC/view?usp=sharing Scaffolding is a technique used by many MVC frameworks like ASP.NET MVC to generate code for basic CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations against your model classes /database. For a view ASP.NET MVC provides you following templates – Empty Empty with Model List Create Edit Delete Details Empty template:- will […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

How to Implement Validation in ASP.NET MVC? (Part 2)

Example Source Code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18IPwYq1aujZ3waQHR0QTeeJvPp7By9H2/view?usp=sharing Other Attributes Data Type: this attribute will help you to define the data type of any model property which will be followed by helper while generating HTML in a view or ui, few data types are MultiLineText, Password, Credit Card, Url etc. Display: will help you to change the name of […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

How to Implement Validation in ASP.NET MVC? (Part1)

Example Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XRi7oC0jtIPRIFde7gw8XTTxX2iIP4yj/view?usp=sharing To implement a model validation in ASP.NET Core we need to use Data Annotation API. What is Data Annotation API in ASP.NET Core ? Data Annotation API is general purpose API provides you built in attributes those can be used for – Validation Data Types Display Rules Meta Data About Model […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

Understand Linq Joins using DbFirst Example

Join Code Example: – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hNIyl4ggcolcPNCyE6meEH-uhcPixWLF/view?usp=sharing Similar SQL Joins we can also implement the joins in LINQ. Linq provides you a join keyword which will help you to implement the joins in LINQ. Joins are required if you need the data from multiple tables together. Inner Join or Simple Join In LINQ This is similar to […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

Functions, Stored Procedures and Triggers in T-PL/SQL

SQL Server Functions are useful objects in SQL Server databases. A SQL Server function is a code snippet that can be executed on a SQL Server.These are the database objects consist of code block of code that can be executed indecently and can be used again and again. Functions in T -PL/SQL always returns a […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

What is View and Cursor in SQL Server?

In this article we will learn about the view and cursors in PL SQL using SQL server. What is View? In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement. A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

T-PL/SQL in SQL Server

Procedural language SQL provides you small programming constructs using which we can write small small code blocks will help you to manipulate data from database. PL/SQL is a combination of SQL along with the procedural features of programming languages. It is being develop to provide the programming enhancements and capabilities to SQL. In case of […]

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