| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

Project List:-

1. Project Title : On Time

Project Description:

This will be web portal where from the user can search doctors and book the appointment for the doctors for various treatments. This portal will have the following Stake holders –

Admin:- Admin will control entire application by configuring various masters and defining rules and regulations. Admin will have following featuers –

  • Manage State,Country,City
  • Define Rules/Regulations for Clinics, Doctors and Users
  • Block and UnBlock Doctors/Clinics and Users
  • FAQ for Users

Clinic:- Here clinic owner will manage all the activities of the clinic from registering the doctors to scheduling appointments.

  1. Login, Registration, Change Password, Edit Profile.
  2. Add Doctors, add doctor profile, specialization.
  3.  Define OPD Schedule
  4. Create Doctor Appointments
  5. View Booked Appointment, Cancel Appointments
  6. Manage Clinic Profiles
  7. Offers and Packages
  8. Doctor Payouts/Payments
  9. Reports -Daily Colllection Reports.

Doctor: doctor will login in the portal and can do the following things –

  • Doctor can login
  • View Patient History
  • Create Prescription
  • Schedule Next Appointment.

User:- user is a person who can be patient or his/her relative will be patient looking for doctor will have following things to do –

  • Register, Login, Change Password, Edit Profile.
  • Search Doctor by area, city , specialty
  •  View Available Appointments
  • View Available Appointments,  Book Appointments
  • Register Patients
  • Make Payments.
  • Cancel Appointments.
  • View Patient History.
  • Give Review or Rating to Doctor/ Clinic

2. Project Title: Baby Care

Project Description:

In todays world taking the care of babies is quite challenging task since we are leaving in nuclus family so very less memebers in family and no elder members to guide us how to take care of babies. This portal provides you many features which will help you.

This will be a web portal where from we can take care of various needs of the babies like purchasing baby toys, cloths, educational toys. Read articles on babies ask the experts. It will have following stake holders –

Admin:- will login in the portal and configure and control entire applications. It will have –

  • Configure Masters – City, State, Country
  • Article Categoires, Product Categories.
  • Block Users/ Experts and Stores.

User:- user will register, login in the system and do the following things –

  1. Login, Registration, Change Password, Profile.
  2. Manage Babies and Baby Photo Gallery.
  3. Search Baby Products –by category, type.
  4. View Details and Add Review
  5. Add To cart.
  6. Make Payment
  7. View Order confirmation
  8. View Dispatch
  9. Complaint /Queries
  10. Ask Query to Expert /View Solutions

Store:- Store will login , registration in the software as follows –

  1. Registration, Login, Change Password, Manage Profile
  2. Add Products, Categories, Offers
  3. View Purchase Orders, View Payments, Cancel Order, Refund Amount
  4. Manage Dispatch
  5. View Complaints/ Queries & Add Solutions
  6. View Ratings and Reviews

Experts: – can login , registration and can do the following things –

  1. Login, Registration, Password and Logout, Edit Profile.
  2. Write Articles
  3. View Queries and Reply to Quries.

3. Project Title: Future Stage

Project Description:

In todays world finding shool for kids is very challenging on the other hand new private schools who has good infra structure, features and staff did not get students (need to search for students).

In this web application parents can search for the school and apply for admission do enquires for the application.  This web application will have following actors –

Admin:- admin user will login into the application and can configure and control the application. Admin can do the following things –

  • Login , Change Password.
  • Rules for schools/ Users
  • Block/ Activiate Schools and Users
  • Create FAQ
  • Configure Masters – City, State, Country.

School: – schools can register with application , login into the system. will have following features –

  1. Registration, Login, Change Password, Edit Profile.
  2. Manage Profile – Photos, Facilities, Achievements,  Awards
  3. Manage Standards, Boards, Intake Capacity, Quota
  4. Generate Admission Notice
  5. Create Photo Gallery
  6. View Admission Forms and Publish Final List
  7. View General Enquiry and Provide the Solution.

Parents/Users:- users /parents can register with login, into system can do the following things –

  1. Login, Logout, Change Password and Edit Profile.
  2. Search School using location, board etc.
  3. View School Details and Add review and rating to school.
  4. View Admission process, Apply for admission
  5. Create other query and view solutions.

4. Project Title: Examiners

Project Description:

This will be a web portal used by companies who want to conduct the online exam for the students, candidates and access their knowledge or talents. It will have to stake holders –

  1. Company :-
  2. Registration, Login, Logout, Change password, Profile.
  3. Master Configuration – Create Category, Subjects and Topics
  4. Manage Database/Question Banks – Add/Edit/Delete Questions
  5. View User Registrations
  6. Create Exam and Assign to Candidate
  7. View Exam Result
  8. User
  9. Registration, Login, Change Password, Profile.
  10. Appear for Mock Test/Practice Test
  11. View Scheduled/Assigned Test
  12. Appear for Exam
  13. Eval. Marks or Performance.

5. Project Title: Pet Care Portal

Project Description:

  • Pet Care Portal

This will be a web portal where from we can take care of various needs of the pets like purchasing pet food and other things for pet. It will have following stake holders –

  1. User
  2. Login, Registration, Change Password, Profile.
  3. Search Pet Food/ Products
  4. View Details and Add Review
  5. Add To cart
  6. Make Payment
  7. View Order confirmation
  8. View Dispatch
  9. Complaint /Queries

6. Project Title: Chikitsalaya (Ayurveda Treatment Portal)

Project Description:

This will be web portal where the Ayurveda treatment providers called chikitsalaya can sales their services or Ayurveda treatments. It will have two actors –

  1. Chikitsalaya :-

It will have the following activities –

  • Login, Registration, Change Password, Profile.
  • Manage Profile – History, Photos.
  • Manage Treatments/ Packages, Categories, Problems.
  • Manage Package Purchase Orders – View, Cancel, Refund, View Payments.
  • Manage Appointments – create schedule, assign appointments.
  • Record Maintenance (EMR).
  • View User Reviews and Rating.
  • Ask Query and View Solutions
  • User  :-
  • Login, Registration, Change Password, Profile.
  • Search Treatment– by problem, category
  • View Details, Add Review, Report Problem
  • Add To Cart
  • Manage Cart
  • Checkout and Payment
  • Order Confirmation
  • View Appointments
  • Add Patient Details
  • Add Patient Problems and Medical History.
  • Ask Query

7. SPM (Software Project Management)

SPM is called software is web application where from software companies can manage their projects. This software allow automate every project management activity it includes stake holders/actors like –

  1. Admin :- admin is owner of the software will do following activities –
    • Manage Masters – Designations, City, State, Country, Project Categories
    • Manage Clients
    • Manage Projects
    • Manage Employees /Designations
    • Assign Project to Manager
  2. Project Manager:- project manager is resposible for the project assigned to him –
    • Create Team
    • Manage Modules
    • Manage Sub Modules
    • Manage Tasks
    • Assign Tasks, View Reported Task, Close Task
    • Manage Qureies
  3. Employee : – employee is who actually work on the taks and report the taks –
    1. View Assigned Task
    2. Report Task After Copletion
    3. Query Management

8. Complaint Desk Management

This will be online web portal where from user can register various complaints regarding service provided by service provider company. Service provider company can view those complaints and provide the solution for the same . It will have the following stake holders /actors-

  1. Admin :- will configure and manage the entire software. Admin can do the following things –
    1. Manage Country, State,City, Area
    2. Manage Tax and Professions
    3. Manage Service Users
    4. Complaint Main Category
    5. Complaint Sub Category
    6. Rank etc.
    7. Item Type
    8. Item Unit
  2. Service User: – is actual person who register the complaints for various servcie provided by company. Service user can do –
    1. Login, Register and Change Password
    2. Register Complain
    3. View Complaint Updates
  3. Contractor:- is who or his staff will work on the actual complaint and provide the solution for the complaint. It can do following actities –
    1. View Assigned Complaint
    2. Provide the Solution for Assigned Complaint
    3. Close Complaint
  4. Employee:- is a person from the service provider company who can do the following activities –
    1. View Compalints
    2. Assign Complaint to Constractor
    3. Report Major Complaint
    4. View Constractor Update
    5. Close Complaint

9. Project Title : Make My Dinner

This will be a web portal from this user can order the dishes /food. It will have two actors – Resturant and User will do the following activities –

  1. Resturant: whoe provide or serve the food orders will do the following activities –
    1. Registration, Login, Change Password, Logout.
    2. Manage City, State, Country , ARea
    3. Manage Dishes, Dish Category, Dish Type, Dish offer
    4. Manage Profile, Photos.
    5. Mange DispatchAgnecies
    6. View Orders / Dispatch Orders
    7. View Payments
    8. View Order Complaints/ Provide Solution for the Same.
  2. User : – who will register in website and actually order dishes user can do the following activities –
    1. Registeration, Login, Change Password and Logout.
    2. Cart Management
    3. Place Order
    4. Review Dish and Resturant
    5. Log Complaints in Resturant
    6. View Complaint Solution

20. Corporet Path

Corporet Path is web portal which provides the comapnies to recruit the candidaes where as allow students to apply for job and get job. It will have two actors –

  1. Admin: – admin will configure the web portal it wil have the following things –
    1. Manage City, State, Country
    2. Mange Job Types etc.
  2. Company : company will do the following activities –
    1. Register, Login, Logout, Chanage Password
    2. Post Job
    3. View Applications
    4. Short List Applications and Inform interview Schedule.
  3. User: user will do the following activities –
    1. Register, Login, logout, Change Password
    2. Search Job
    3. Apply Job or forward job
    4. View Confirmation
    5. View Interview Schedule

Project 10: GetSchool

Future stage is web application used to collabrate the parents, students and school for the ease of admission process. This web application has –

  1. Admin
  2. School
  3. Parent

Admin: – Admin will do login and all configurations required for the working of the application which includes –

  • City, State, Country Configuration
  • Borads / Medium / Standards
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Activate or DeActivate Users

School: – will register, login, logut change password with following activities –

  • Manage Profile – Photos/ History/ Achievemtns/ Awards
  • Standards/ Medium /Boards
  • Facilities
  • Result Track Record
  • Admision Notices
  • Admissio Enquiry
  • Admission Process
  • Confirm Admission/ Cancel Admission
  • Queries and solutions

Parent: – will register, login, logout , password will do –

  • Search School
  • View Details / Add Reivew
  • Send Admission Enquiry
  • Ask Queries / View Solutions
  • Get Admission Cofirmation