| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

What is Controller & Action?

In previous article we told you that controller is c part of MVC who is responsible for logic part of the application, in this article we will elaborate more about the controller and action. What is Controller? Controller in ASP.NET MVC is just a class located in Controllers folder will have a suffix of Controller […]

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| by Achyut Kendre | No comments

What is MVC? How to use ASP.NET Core?

Example : https://drive.google.com/file/d/12vVMoD8pX9SOmKiwcmVzqkChh9D6WcDw/view?usp=sharing ASP.NET Core support MVC design pattern where M stands for Model, V is called View & C stands for Controller i.e. Model View Controller design pattern. What is Design Pattern? Design Pattern tells you to write a code so that you will get some kind of advantage. We have so many design […]

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