How to Communicate Data from Action To View?
In this article we will try to understand how to communicate data from controller action to view.
Example Source Code:
Since Controller Action is method and View is file we should have some ways to communicate the result of processing to view to create the presentation we have following options –
- View Bag
- View Data
- Temp Data
- Model
View Bag: –
- View Bag is used to communicate small data from action to view.
- View Bag is dynamic object means you can create any name any type of property.
- It can communicate data from action to view (one way).
- ViewBag will be empty when you redirect.
To create any property in Vew Bag we can use the following syntax –
ViewData is another option to communicate data from action to view used to communicate small data from action to view.
- It is used to communicate data from action to view one way.
- It is dictionary object collection stores data in key value pair.
- It will be also empty when you redirect.
- It is more faster as compare to ViewBag
You can create the variables as follows –
Viewata["variablename"] =value;
This is one more way to communicate data from action to view.
- It is used to communicate small data from action to view.
- It is also dictionary collection of object.
- This is again one way communicates data from action to view.
- It maintains data between redirects.
You can create variables in temp data as follows –
Model: –
Model Example:
Model is last and most powerful option to communicate data from action to view or view back to action. (two way).
- Model handle the data part of MVC.
- Model is used to communicate large strongly typed data from action to view and view back to action.
- Model is just a class located in models folder which contains data related code.
- It generally contains public properties.
Action can communicate model object to a view if view is strongly typed view using methods –
View(Model object)
View("viewname",Model Object)
To convert the view to strongly typed view we use @model command at the beginning of the view as follows –
@model full model class path.
Once view is strongly typed we can use the @Model object to access the model data or model properties is the property of view.